Set in 13th Century England, the film tells the story of a Templar Knight who defends Rochester Castle against the tyrant King John and his army. James Purefoy and Paul Giamatti are being lined up to star as the Templar and King John respectlvely with the supporting cast including Richard Attenborough, Pete Postlethwaite, Angus Macfadyen and Colm Meany.
Glenn Kendrick Ackermann is selling the film in Cannes as well as all Mythic productions.
Mythic is headed by US producer Benattar (Shoot Em Up, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen), English and UK producer/lawyer Curtis who will act as both partner and head of legal and business affairs. Backed by two private equity groups in London and New York, the company will act as a production and financing entity and is currently negotiating a revolving facility with National Bank Of California.
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