Hot buys for Independent for Benelux and VVS for Canada.

Maya has pageant of deals with Ass Backwards

Maya International closed a slew of deals with Ass Backwards selling to Australia (Starz), Canada (VVS), Latin America (Swen), Middle East (Eagle Films), China (DDdream), CIS (Voxell), Hungary (RTL), Israel (Shoval), and former Yugoslavia (MG Films). 

Chris Nelson directs the beauty-pageant-themed comedy starring Alicia Silverstone [pictured], Jon Cryer, and Vincent D’Onofrio. Producers are Heather Rae and Molly Conners.

“Berlin was a great market for us this year,” said Elias Axume, President, International Distribution for Maya Entertainment.  “Foreign buyers were attracted to comedies this market; and Ass Backwards with its all-star cast, I believe appealed to the foreign market.”


Independent picks up power trio for Benelux

Benelux distributor Independent Films took on Steven Soderbergh’s Bitter Pill from Film Nation. The com[any also acquired Stand Up Guys from Lakeshore and Empire State from Voltage.

VVS takes on hot titles for Canada

Canadian distributor VVS Films has done busy acquisitions at the European Film Market, buying The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman from Voltage, Aftershock from Film Nation, Pawn Shop Chronicles from Lionsgate and Enemies Closer from IM Global.

This follows recent acquisitions of Empire State and Arbitrage. The VVS slate also includes Friends With Kids, The Raven and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D.