Raindance Raw Talent, the production arm of the Raindance Film Festival, has partnered with Mulholland Pictures to make its first feature – a home invasion thriller directed by Ate de Jong.
Love. Honour. Obey. will shoot in the coming months and will premiere at the 21st Raindance Film Festival in London this September.
It will be the first film made by Raindance Raw Talent and will be co-produced by Dutch production company Mulholland Pictures, which has credits including Berlin award-winning film Left Luggage and code-breaking, war drama Enigma.
Contributions to the budget have been raised through crowd-funding platform Indiegogo.
After hitting its initial target of £10,000, Raindance is now looking to raise at least £15,000 by April 25 to cover cast and crew expenses; rental of HD equipment; art direction and costume; publicity and graphic design; post-production and editing.
The film, scripted by first time screenwriter Mark Rogers, centres on a home invasion in which a married couple are assaulted by an intruder. Through a series of events the psychological thriller goes on to involve a form of Japanese bondage.
Dutch director Ate de Jong, best known for 1991 comedy Drop Dead Fred, will shoot the feature with director of photography Zoran Veljkovic (Dangerous Parking).
Producers are Raindance Film Festival founder Eliot Grove and Elisar Cabrera, who was most recently executive director of sales and marketing at High Point Films & TV.
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