The film tells the story of an assassin who methodically kills off everyone close to a young woman, Luciana. She suspects a famous writer, Kloster to be behind the deaths, but the police don’t believe her, so she turns to the help of a rival writer
Prod companies: Haddock Films, Tornasol Films
Backers: Zona Audiovisual
Producers: Gerardo Herrero
Director: Adolfo Aristarain
Screenplay: Adolfo Aristarain. Based on novel by Guillermo Martinez (The Oxford Murders)
Cast: Celeste Cid, Juan Diego Botto, Dario Grandinette
Locations: Spain (3 weeks), Argentina (6 weeks)
Shooting from when until when: 2009 (exact dates tbc)
Contact: Gerardo Herrero, Tornasol Films, (34) 91 542 9564
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