Charlie'sAngels: Full Throttleand T3: Rise Of The Machines gave Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International (CTFDI)much to cheer about this weekend, blazing a mighty trail across a number ofterritories.
Charlie'sAngels: Full Throttle wasthe number one international film, grossing $21.2m from a massive 6,068 screensto raise its cumulative total to $79.8m.
It opened numberone in Germany ($3.2m), Spain ($2.1m), Brazil ($1.1m, 64% bigger than theoriginal's opening), Austria ($500,000), Hungary ($200,000) and Peru ($100,000).
In opened secondin Mexico behind holdover Finding Nemo, grossing $1.7m and performing 40% better than theoriginal's opening.
In its secondweekend in Japan the action sequel added $2m for a $16.4m running total.
Charlie'sAngels: Full Throttleheld on to top berth in Australia (adding $3.3m) and the UK ($2.7m). OverallCTFDI executives said the film finished number one in 16 territories.
There are still19 territories to go, with France, Belgium and Russia lined up for nextweekend.
Meanwhile T3 opened number one in nine territories,grossing $20.4m for the weekend and raising its total to $27.5m.
The cumulativefigure includes Japan, where the film is being distributed by Toho-Towa andgrossed a superb $12.5m in local currency for the fifth biggest opening of alltime there.
In the first ofa series of local currency records in CTFDI territories, the sci-fi sequel took$1.3m in Thailand for the biggest opening ever for a Hollywood film.
Argentina's$500,000 including previews was the second biggest Hollywood bow of all timebehind The Matrix Reloaded.
T3 opened on $856,000 in Malaysia for thethird biggest opening ever for a Hollywood film and the biggest in the lastfive years.
Other recordsincluded: The Philippines (10th biggest bow ever); Singapore (11th); Chile(12th); Estonia (12th); and Hong Kong (15th).
Russia followedup last weekend's record opening with a further $2m, dropping 37% for a $7.5mrunning total.
Next week T3 is scheduled to open in Australia andTaiwan.
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