blue eyes Fiction, the producer of FlorianHoffmeister's 3Degrees Colder (3 Grad Kaelter), has launched anin-house theatrical arm blue eyes Pictures to release the Silver Leopard-winnerin German cinemas on March 16.
Accordingto the Munich-based production company, blue eyes Pictures will not berestricted to handling its own arthouse productions,but will also operate as a distribution platform for arthousefilms from other production houses.
Insteadof building up its own infrastructure, blue eyes Pictures will work withBerlin-based distribution consultant Melanie Flemming,Frankfurt-based film PR agent Gisela Meuser andentrust the booking and billing operations for 3 Degrees Colder to Gerhard Ritter and Reinhard"Barnie" Barnsteiner'sMunich-based agency 24 Bilder Filmagentur.
blue eyes Fiction is currently working on the development of afamily entertainment film based on the children's animation TV series
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