The Cannes Market has announcedthe participation of 450 short films in its new Short Film Corner which debutsat this year's festival.
The Corner, based at the Palaiswas created to support the short film industry by opening channels ofdiscussion between producers, distributors and TV networks.
Over 100 hours of programming fromabout 40 countries will be available for screening from 9am to 6pm with buyersgranted priority access.
Most films are from Europe (45%)and the US (25%) while over 250 films will be seen for the first time in afestival or market setting. Films that run in the official shorts competitionas well as the Cinefondation will also be available for viewing.
"The Short Film Corneroriginated from the understanding that more and more short film producers wouldlike to benefit from the visibility and opportunities created by the Festivalde Cannes. At the same time, short film buyers and programmers want to see asmany shorts as possible in a minimum amount of time," said Cannes Market chief JeromePaillard.
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