Director JJ Abrams
Producers JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof
Production companies Bad Robot, Mavrocine, Spyglass Entertainment
US distribution Paramount Pictures
International distribution Paramount Pictures International
US release date May 8
Worldwide gross $385.6m
Best picture chances
With a field of 10 best-picture Oscar nominations, the chances for a crowd-pleasing smash hit such as Star Trek become much greater. The fact JJ Abrams’ reinvention of a dying franchise was also one of the best-reviewed movies of the year and one of its most dramatically satisfying can only help.
What Screen said
“JJ Abrams injects a gigantic dose of energy into this long-running franchise and brings it roaring back to life with his immensely satisfying Star Trek prequel. Going boldly where many have been before, the talented film and TV-maker hardly puts a foot wrong in his quest for renewal, creating a new mythology complete with pin-up stars, invigorating humour and juicy on-board melodrama… The beauty of this reinvention is that lovers of the Star Trek franchise from 1966 onwards will appreciate Abrams’ work here as well.”
Mike Goodridge
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