publicity and will report to the company's executive vice presidents
of marketing Buffy Shutt and Kathy Jones.
Aberly previously served as a publicity consultant for Participant,
shepherding such films as Good Night And Good Luck, North Country, and
Syriana at Warner Brothers and Warner Independent. Prior to that she
was a unit publicist.
'Rachel has worked in all aspects of publicity, from the studio to the
agency to production,' Shutt and Jones said.
'Her eclectic experience, unique perspective and enthusiasm are real
assets. Moreover, she has a keen interest and passion for the
Participant mandate and was a key part of the company's development
and publicity during her tenure as a consultant.'
Upcoming Participant releases include Mike Nichols' Charlie Wilson's
War starring Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and Phillip Seymour Hoffman,
Marc Forster's The Kite Runner that is being co-financed with Sidney
Kimmel Entertainment, and Jonathan Demme's Jimmy Carter documentary
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