AcclaimedDanish director Annette K. Olesen is about to start shooting her next film, anensemble piece called Den Der Sover which has the English working titleof The One Who Sleeps.
Olesen'slast two films Minor Mishaps and In Your Hands both played in competitionat the Berlin International Film Festival.
TheOne Who Sleeps is the story of a 19-year-old Per who is brutally attacked on the wayhome from a party. He falls into a coma, leaving the police with no clues onhow to solve the case. Per's mother stays loyally by his bedside while Per'ssmaller sister, Mie, hears rumours about her boyfriend's brother being involvedin the attack. Her boyfriend and his brother are both sons of immigrants andquickly find themselves under suspicion.
Shootingon the Euros 2.2m Zentropa produced film is imminent. TV 2 Denmark isco-financing.
Thecast is dominated by newcomers such as Joy Petersen and Mohammed-Ali Bakerwhile local former boxing champion Brian Lentz makes his acting debut. AnetteStøvelbæk (Italian For Beginners) plays Per's mother.
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