The film is directed by Izuru Narushima and stars Takao Osawa (Crying Out Love, In The Center Of The World), Yuko Takeuchi and Hiroshi Tamaki. The story follows a nature photographer (Osawa) who finds a top-secret American nuclear weapon payload in the Northern Alps of Japan and tries to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
The film is an adaptation of Tetsuo Takashima's novel of the same title. A production consortium was formed by Universal Pictures Japan, distributor Shochiku and publisher Bungei Shunju to finance the $10m thriller, which was produced with the cooperation of Japan 's Defense Agency and the Ground/Air Self-Defense Force.
Midnight Eagle will have its world premiere in Los Angeles on October 2 at Universal Studios as part of a $865,000 (Y100m) publicity campaign by Shochiku, which is handling world sales, in the lead-up to the American Film Market (October 31-November 7).
Shochiku releases Midnight Eagle domestically on November 23, pushed up from an original December release.
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