Two low-budget thrillers, Cactus and Cedar Boys, have received production funding from the AustralianFilm Commission (AFC), while a third film, TheBullet Boy, was promised money for post-production.
Writer/director JasmineYuen-Carrucan, producer Paul Sullivan and executive producer Bryan Brown, whois best known internationally as an actor, are behind Cactus.
The film tells the story ofa man who takes a desperate plunge to help acquire a few last moments ofhappiness for his dying wife. It starts shooting early next year and also hasinvestment from the New South Wales Film and Television Office and privatefinanciers, along with a distribution guarantee from Hoyts.
Daniella Ortega is producingwriter/director Serhat Caradee's CedarBoys, about a young Lebanese panel beater struggling to realise his dreams.
The Bullet Boy is the story of a Pashtun lad who challenges his father's authority byrefusing the future mapped out for him in an area of the
The film was made by writer/directorBejamin Gilmour and producer Carolyn Johnson in collaboration with thevillagers of Darra in
The total investment in thethree films is $1.4m (A$1.8m). Up to now the AFC's IndiVision Production Fundhad enabled the production of five films. Of these, The Caterpillar Wish and Westare finished while
The fund has also providedpost-production finance for All MyFriends Are Leaving Brisbane.
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