Johnny Depp willbe the subject of this year's tribute at AFI FEST 2005, which includes an on-stageinterview followed by the world premiere of the final cut of The Libertine.
In TheLibertine Depp plays theEarl of Rochester, the 17th century poet whose wild behaviour scandalizedsociety and who drunk himself into an early grave. A work-in-progress screeningof the film was at Toronto 2004, but since then about 30 minutes has been cutfrom it.
The WeinsteinCompany will release the picture in Los Angeles and New York on Nov 23,expanding wide on Jan 13 2006.
AFI organisershave also arranged a four-picture retrospective inlcuding Dead Man, EdwardScissorhands, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, and What's Eating Gilbert Grape'
Over the courseof a career that has brought commercial and critical accliam, Depp has earnedOscar nominations for Finding Neverland in 2005 and Pirates of The Caribbean in 2004. His other credits include Chocolat,Donnie Brasco, Blow, From Hell and Once Upon A Time In Mexico.
'Our challenge each year in choosing a tributee is tofind someone who is a highly accomplished artist about whom we crave to knowmore,' AFI FEST director Christian Gaines said.
'JohnnyDepp is such an artist. He has made interesting, risky choices in his careerand has evolved into one of the most absorbing actors of our time.'
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