Media Asia unveiled the first sales on Korea Raiders, Jingle Ma's big-budget comedy action sequelto Tokyo Raider. The film wassold to GSC for Malaysia and Shaw Renters for Singapore. Meanwhile, Media Asiaalso sold A World Without Thieves,a gangster film by popular Chinese director Feng Xiaogang, to ComstockOrganisation for Japan, GSC for Malaysia, Shaw for Singapore, PT Teugh forIndonesia and Deep Joy for Taiwan.
Celluloid Dreams sold Jia Jiang Ke's Venicecompetition film The World to US indiedistributor Zeitgeist.
Katapult Films has enjoyed a surge of interest in itsdocumentary Bush's Brain followingthe US presidential election. The film was sold to Opening Films for France,while Prime bought Bush's Brain and Baltasar Kormakur's Little Trip To Heaven for the MiddleEast.
Max Seidel, representing Vision International and LatidoFilms, sold Abel Ferrara's forthcoming Go Go Tales to Camro for Scandinavia, Atalanta for Portugal andCentral Partnership for Russia.
Andres Wood's Machuca was sold to Babilla for Columbia and Mandala for Mexico. VenturaPons' The Art Of Losing was sold to Lime Tree for Korea, Overseas forSingapore, OK for Thailand and Cine TV & Video for Mexico.
Joaquin Oristrell's Unconscious was sold to IstitutoLuce for Italy, Mandala for Mexico, Eurocine for Argentina, and new distributorFilmoteca Nacional for Venezuela.
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