New Spanish-basedsales house Latido has closed deals on its Berlin competition title YourNext Life (La Vida Que Te Espera) andwhat has proved to be surprise sales hit at AFM, Two Tough Guys (Dos TiposMuy Duros).
La Vida was sold to Seville for Canada, Polyfilm forAustria, Denubius for the Czech Republic, TVR for Romania and Cine Video Y TV.Deals completed before Berlin include Shani for Israel, Solo for Germany,Cinemien for Benelux and Mont Blanc for Switzerland. Deals are now pending inItaly, Brazil and Japan.
Tough Guys was sold to with Gemini for Mexico, Apex forKorea, Paradise for Russia and Fidalgo for Norway.
SergioCabrera's sexy Colombian thriller The Art Of Losing notched its first sale, being picked up by Mikado for Italy.
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