French seller VisionInternational has struck a number of deals on Strange Crime.
The Roberto Andopicture was licensed to Gussi for Mexico, Soyuz for Russia, Victory forBenelux, Kinema Space for Korea, Camro for Scandinavia, PCV for Greece andEcuador, Bolivia and Peru to Venus.
Vision sold LidiaBobrova's Baboussiato Starlight for Sweden, TVR for Romania, With Cinema for Korea, Shani forIsrael and K Films for Canada. Deals are now pending in East Europe, Mexico andItaly.
Its new eroticthriller Debutantes byAndres Waissbluth, which first screened at Rotterdam, was sold to Xenix forSwitzerland, Minerva for Italy and Soyuz for Russia. It is in the process ofclosing a US deal with Venevision.
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