Ottawa-based animation houseAmberwood Entertaintainment is in pre-production on an animated movie builtaround its Zeroman TV series. Theproject was commissioned by Canadian animation station TELETOON.

Zeroman is an action-hero spoof inspired by the charactersplayed by actor Leslie Nielsen, star of such films as Airplane and The Naked Gun. The series airs on TELETOON's 24-hour service, aswill the movie. Series star Nielsen is expected to provide the voice talentalongside series regulars Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder, Foolproof) and former Kids In The Hall trooper Kevin McDonald(Lilo &Stitch).

Amberwood president and CEOSheldon S. Wiseman told the movie will cater to the same broaddemographic as the programme. "It works on many levels," he said, "For the11-12 age set and adults." Wiseman said he is in discussion with companies inthe UK and France about an international coproduction arrangement at theupcoming Mipcom. While theatrical release is unlikely in North America, Wiseman said the film would makea good fit for a theatrical distributor in an Asian Pacific Rim territory.

In a statement, MadeleineLevesque, director of original productions for TELETOON, described theprogramme as "original, clever and fun." TELETOON is owned by Canada's AstralMedia (40%), Corus Entertainment (40%), and Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc (20%).