Danish films have made a major impression at thelocal box office in the first two months of 2005.
Local filmssold over a million tickets in January and February - a figure normally reachedin May.
A string of local hits have contributed to the upswing. OleChristian Madsen's Angels In Fast Motion (Nordkraft) - adapted from alocal bestselling novel and billed as a local Trainspotting - sold animpressive 57,000 tickets when it launched last week.
Other successes have beenTomas Villum Jensen's comedy The Sun King (Solkongen) which has rackedup 250,000 admissions. The script is written by Oscar winning short filmdirector Anders Thomas Jensen.
Children's sci-fi movie Oskar& Josefine has also performed well with 225,000 tickets sold.
Over 30 local films - anindustry record - have yet to be released this year. Among the most anticipatedare Anders Thomas Jensen's offbeat comedy Adams Aebler (which translatesas The Apples Of Adam), released on April 15. This is followed by Larsvon Trier's Manderlay which will released in early June and NicolasWinding Refn's Pusher 3, to be released in August.
However, one of the mosteagerly awaited films is Per Fly's follow-up to The Bench and Inheritance.The Danish title for the movie is Drabet (The Killing) but the finalinternational title may be less violent.
It will hit cinemas inSeptember along with former Camera d'Or winner Christopher Boe's second featureAllegro
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