Screen casts an excitable look over the latest trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.


It seems trailers these days as like London buses; mere days after the spine tingling new Prometheus trailer went live, today has seen the launch of the sparkly new The Dark Knight Rises trailer and as the de facto office geek, it of course has turned to me to cast a glance over it.

Perfectly timed to trail with The Avengers in the US and in the post-buzz of its release in the UK, it amps up the excitement for Nolan’s final chapter which promises to be epic in every sense of the word.

Even before we get the glorious “this isn’t a car” line that brings the trailer to an end, we see more of Anne Hathaway vamping it up with added attitude as Selina Kyle/Catwoman and glimpses of Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the so-far mysterious John Blake. The majority of the early action scenes in the trailer are taken from the stunning prologue – screened at selected IMAXs with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol – but I personally never get tired of seeing a plane ripped apart in mid-air. Pleasingly it also seems that some tinkering has been done with Bane’s voice following certain grumbles after the prologue was released.

The dark nature and finality – “did they kill him?” asks Kyle; “I’m not sure” replies Blake – of it all has led to suggestions that Nolan will do the unthinkable and kill off the Bat, but the geek in me just reckons it’s all about Bane breaking the Bat’s back, leading Batman to the titular rise. But either way, it looks like no-one is getting out of it unscathed – especially the city as the trailer teases a jaw-dropping simultaneous bridge collapse in one wide shot.

Haven’t seen it yet? I truly don’t know what you’re waiting for. Click here