Horror adaptation Possession, modern-day Count of Monte Cristo story Lazarus Ash and thriller Perfect People head the slate of $10m - $25m productions in a partnership between Gary Hamilton's Arclight Films, the UK's Spice Factory and best-selling horror novelist Peter James.
The announcement follows last month's unveiling of plans for ambitious UK tax fund Movision, which Spice Factory, a prolific UK producer, formed with partners including James' Ministry of Vision and Ian Steel, an entrepreneur who sold his company Triton Showers for around£30million.
Well-regarded young Danish director Peter Flinth is to direct Possession, the first in the multi-picture co-development, financing and production pact with James. The story is based on James' best-selling book.
Lazarus Ash is written by Preston Sturges Jr and James Simpson and is to be directed by Eva Sereny. Perfect People explores modern-day genetics and is based on another James book. Also in the works is contemporary horror The Truth. All the projects will shoot in Canada.
"I've been looking to become more active and join forces with a film production company in the UK," said James. "[Spice Factory] are always so inspired and full of energy and I'm looking forward to working with them."
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