Directed by Morgan Neville and narrated by Jeff Bridges, the film focuses on the story of Los Angeles' legendary Ferus Gallery, which helped launch artists including Ed Ruscha, Craig Kauffman, Ed Moses and Robert Irwin in the fifties and sixties. It was produced by Neville and Kristine McKenna and executive produced by Cedd Moses for the Independent Television Service (ITVS) and Tremolo Productions in association with Oregon Public Broadcasting.
Arthouse will give the film a US theatrical release followed by a DVD launch on its own label early next year. The Cool School will also have a national broadcast as part of the 2007-2008 season of PBS' Independent Lens.
The deal- announced at this week's Los Angeles Film Festival, where the film is screening - was negotiated by Arthouse's head of acquisitions and production David Koh and Curiously Bright Entertainment's Lilly Bright and Julie Goldman of Cactus Three on behalf of the filmmakers.
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