The film is director Pablo Aravena's first documentary feature and was co-produced by Aravena, Lovestreams & agnes b. and executive produced by Claude Girard and Nadja Romain.
The deal was negotiated by David Koh, head of acquisitions and production for Arthouse Films and partner Lilly Bright and her Curiously Bright Entertainment outfit, along with Nadja Romain of Lovestreams Productions and Aravena.
Arthouse Films will continue a North American theatrical release, followed by a DVD release next year.
The film is about the youth movement of graffiti artists.
'We are extremely excited to have acquired this film that gives such a impressive take on the rise and importance of graffiti art worldwide. The evolution of this art form plays such an important role in the direction and popularity of art today. We are thrilled to be working with Pablo, Lovestreams and agnes b.' state Koh and Bright in a joint statement.
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