UK distributor Artificial Eye has acquiredboth of the Iranian films that played in Competition at the Berlin FilmFestival. The first is Jafar Panahi'sOffside,shared winner of the Silver Bear about a girl who disguises herself as a boy towatch a football match in Tehran. The distributoralso acquired Rafi Pitts' Zemestan (It's Winter), about a factory worker andmechanic living isolated lives. Celluloid Dreamshandled sales for both.
Artificial Eyeplans autumn releases for Offside andZemestan.
As previouslyreported, Artificial Eye also did a pre-buy with RezoFilms for Eric Rohmer's next feature, TheRomance Of Astrea And Celadon, which is currentlyin pre-production. In addition the company did a pre-buy in Cannes last year for Georgian film-maker Otar Iosseliani's Autumn Gardens, being produced by Pierre Grise.
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