Elliot Greenebaum's dark comedy Assisted Living about a janitor in a nursing home for the elderly who spends his time getting high with the residents won the Grand Jury Award at the Slamdance Film Festival on Friday night in Park City. Slamdance runs concurrent with the Sundance Film Festival and focuses exclusively on discovering new film-makers.
Other winners of the Slamdance awards (or "Sparkies") were Andrew Black's eight-minute The Snell Show which won best short;
- Karin Hayes and Victoria Bruce's Colombia-set documentary Missing Peace which won the audience award (feature);
- Stephen T Maing's Little Hearts which won the audience award (short);
- Tom Putnam's 11-minute short Tom Hits His Head which won the Spirit Of Slamdance prize;
- Michael Lucid's eight-minute Lady Of The Lake which won the Rosebud Award from the festival staff;
- Jack Cahill and David Eberhardt's Long Gone which follows six tramps over a seven-year period and which won the best documentary prize and the Kodak Vision Award for best cinematography;
- Ryan Landel's Midnight Express which won the Global Anarchy Award.
Special jury mentions were given to Amanda Rudman's short Shadowman and to Felix Fuchssteiner's 40-minute Die Kurve.
The Slamdance jury consisted of actor David Alan Grier, director Montieth McCollum (Hybrid), Screen International critic Jean Oppenheimer, Slamdance projectionist Chris Riley and Avignon Film Festival chief Jerome Henry Rudes.
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