Marketeer Tracey Montgomeryhas been named as the new AusFILMcommissioner based in LA - the executive charged with leadingAustralia's efforts to attract international production to its shores.
Mongomery, who is currently executive manager of locations andinternational production for the Pacific Film and Television Commission, basedin Queensland, is replacing David Pratt, who finishes at the end of July afterover six years in the job.
"International production delivers considerablebusiness and employment opportunities for the Australian film and televisionindustry," said AusFILM's Sydney-based chief executive TrishaRothkrans. "In the 2003/2004 financial year, AusFILM helped attract over$250 million in film production expenditure from overseas, which translatesinto serious economic impact. With this kind of wealth creation at stake, theappointment of David's replacement was made with very seriousconsideration."
According to the Australian Film Commission, between fiveand seven foreign films were shot in Australia in each of the three years up to2002/03. The Australian spend was between A$114 million and A$169 million peryear. Only two or three international co-productions occurred in each year
"It was a very hard task finding a replacement for David,"said Rothkrans. "His experience and industry knowledge has been such ahuge asset to the Australian industry. We are very confident that Tracey hasthe skills, talent and energy to continue on with the high standards alreadyset."
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