For the third time in four weeks the record for the highestopening weekend for a film released in 2004 has been broken, this time thanksto 20th Century Fox's The Day AfterTomorrow. The film took a massive A$6,664,837 from 402 screens and showed ascreen average of A$16,579.
But there was only about 2,000 tickets separating it and
These three films, which are ranked first, second and third,together took nearly A$10,000 of the nearly A$12,000 combined gross of all thetop 20 films in the chart. It doesn't leave much room for the rest. In fact,the only other film to do over A$200,000 was UIP's Twisted, which is only in its second week on release.
In what is a very appropriate piece of counter-programming,Dendy's documentary Super Size Me, inanother week of previews, took A$143,895 from only 23 screens. It was curiousto see Icon's Monster pop back in thechart after a two-week absence.
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