Van Helsing sold more tickets on its opening weekendthan any other film released so far this year in Australia. It grossedA$4,596,027 from a whopping 338 screens for UIP. This was nearly six times morethan the second placed, Gothika, while its screen average, at A$13,597,was more than A$3,000 ahead of every other film in the top 20.
The star of the show, the homegrown Hugh Jackman, is one ofthe factors that has helped attract people into cinemas. So too is the colderweather, heralding the approach of winter.
Most of the other films hovering at the top of the chartacted predictably, shuffling down one spot to make room for Van Helsing,although the exception was Becker's homegrown picture Strange Bedfellows,starring Paul Hogan. In its thirdweekend on release it managed to hold its own in fourth place.
The only other opener in the chart is Evelyn, whichtook A$157,657 from only 39 screens to claim the ninth spot on behalf of Hoyts.
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