The nearly A$7.5 million taken at the Australian box office for thefour-day weekend to 16 March was the smallest of the year, despite Victorianshaving a holiday weekend.
Contributing factors would have been Australia's glorious autumn weatherand the start of the National Rugby League season.
Five new films were scattered through the chart, three of which were inthe top ten. They were Be Cool, which took A$1,209,939 from 239 screensfor 20thCentury Fox to claim second place, Sony's Are We There Yet', whichgrossed A$667,512 from 168 screens to land fourth spot, and UIP's FridayNight Lights, which sold A$214,299 worth of tickets to 141 screens to endup eighth.
The other two openers were Madman's Ong Bak, which took A$109,812from 32 screens to claim the twelfth spot, and Riding Giants, whichgrossed A$52,425 from 30 screens to just scrape into the top 20.
The only film to climb up in the chart was My House In Umbria,which was released two weekends earlier by Hopscotch. It was eleventh lastweekend and tenth this one, taking A$135,913 from 22 screens to clock up thesecond highest screen average of the four days. Marginally higher was Sony's Hitchwhich is in the top spot for the second consecutive weekend.
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