Preliminary figures indicate that
A spokesperson for the Motion Picture DistributorsAssociation of Australia (MPDAA) says official results will not be announceduntil mid to late January but a source told Screendaily.comthat the 2005 result will be around $610.6m (A$815m). This is $68.9m (A$92m)less than the record $679.5m (A$907m) spent on movie tickets in 2004.
The top earner of the year was Star Wars Episode
The $610.6m (A$815m) box office takings for 2005 means that thiswill be only the third fall in annual box office revenue in the last 20 years,according to Australian Film Commission (
According to calculations by based on MPDAA figures, the gross revenue earned byAustralian films was about $17.2m (A$23.m) or 2.8% of the total. While this istwice as much as the previous year in both dollarvalue and percentage share, 2004's 1.3% was the lowest result since recordsbegan 27 years earlier. Less than 20
Horror film Wolf Creekperformed best in 2005, earning $4.3m (A$5.8m) for Roadshow,followed by two dramas. Little Fishtook $2.7m (A$3.7m) for Icon and LookBoth Ways took $2.05m (A$2.73m) for co-distributors Dendyand Footprint.
The record local share was 24% in 1986, the year Crocodile Dundee was released, accordingto the
Top 20 Films
Title (Distributor) Releasedate Total gross
1 Star Wars: Episode
2 Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire(Warner Bros) Dec 1 $21.7m*
4 Charlie And The ChoclateFactory (Roadshow) Sep 1 $17.97m
5 Meet The Fockers(UIP)
6 War Of The Worlds (UIP) June 29 $15.8m
7 Mr And Mrs Smith (20th Fox) June 9 $14.97m
8 The Incredibles (BVI)
9 Wedding Crashers (Roadshow) Aug 11 $12.3m
10 Batman Begins (Warner Bros) June 16 $11.6m
11 Hitch (SPRI) March 3 $10.4m
12 Robots (20th Fox) March 24 $10.2m
13 King Kong (UIP) Dec 14 $9.35m*
14 Fantastic Four (20th Fox) July 7 $8.9m
15 The Pacifier (BVI) March 24 $8.2m
16 The Longest Yard (SPRI) June 2 $8.04m
17 Wallace & Gromit (UIP) Sep 15 $7.85m
18 The Dukes Of Hazzard(Roadshow) Sep 15 $7.5m
19 Bewitched (SPRI) July 7 $7.2m
20 Herbie: Fully Loaded (BVI) June 23 $6.9m
* Still on release atyear-end
' Released in 2004, grossfor 2005 only.
Source: MPDAA
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