Elephant Tales, a French/Australian co-productionwritten and directed by Mario Andreacchio, and the psychological thriller PowerSurge, the first feature from high-profile commercials director DavidDenneen, will go into production after receiving backing from Australia's Film Finance Corporation (FFC).
The FFC has also announced it is willing to invest in fourother features providing certain conditions are met. The films are:
- Macbeth from director Geoffrey Wright andMushroom Pictures producer Martin Fabinyi.
- Hunt Angels by writer/director Alec Morganand Japanese Story producer Sue Maslin of Film Art Doco.
- Footy Legends is the second film after TheFinished People for director/co-writer Khoa Do, who is working withproducer Megan McMurchy. Icon has local distribution rights and FortissimoFilms attached as sales agent.
- Noise is the first full-length feature for writer/directorMatthew Saville and producer Trevor Blainey, the pair who made Roy HolsdotterLive. Icon has local distribution rights.
Elephant Tales, which is scripted by John Wildand Denis Whitburn, sees Andreacchio (Napoleon, The Real Macaw)continues his love affair with animals. It stars two baby elephants orphaned bypoachers and will be shot in South Africa from mid-March, but with many crewfrom South Australia involved.
Myriad is handling international sales and UIP France andCanal Plus have together bought French rights. The budget is primarily frompresales, although the South Australian Film Corporation and private Australianinvestors are also contributing alongside the FFC.
Andreacchio, who has had a long battle getting the filmfinanced, is also producing under his Adelaide Motion Picture Company banneralongside Georges Campana. The executive producers are Adam Krentzman andFrancois Lesterlin.
Power Surge will be the first feature fromSydney's Film Graphics Entertainment (FGE). eFilm Worldwide has takeninternational sales rights and it is the first local pick-up by distributorAccent Filmed Entertainment. Form, the advertising and production company thatrepresents Denneen in LA, is also an investor.
Power Surge is scripted by Dave Warner (GarageDays) and tracks a dangerous young couple on the run who take refuge in aprivate country estate owned by an agoraphobic art dealer who becomes theirhostage. It was approved two years ago by the FFC with producer Andrew Masonand ContentFilm attached.
FGE was set up 30 months ago as a drama and animationoffshoot of the commercials production house of the same name. The film isbeing produced by FGE head Mark Lazarus, Anna Fawcett and Todd Fellman, andexecutive produced by Denneen and Dan Halsted, whose producer credits include GardenState and The Virgin Suicides.
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