AV Pictures has taken on sales for featurefilm Played and will be showing apromo reel of the project at
Sean Stanekdirects and co-wrote with Mick Rossi. Producers are Stanek,Rossi, John Daly, Nick Simunek, and Casper von Winterfeldt.
The crime thriller stars Val Kilmer, GabrielByrne, Anthony LaPaglia, VinnieJones, Patrick Bergin, Patsy Kensit and Joanne Whalley. Playedfollows a man who comes out of prison after being set up and is hired by rivalgangs.
Played is currently in post-production and is expected tobe delivered in May.
AV's other films at EFM include actionhorror title Wilderness, true-lifedrama End of the Spear, and thriller Johnny Was (for which AV is only selling
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