A retrospective of the workof two of the world's most challenging film-makers, Stephen Dwoskinand Nagasaki Shunichi, will be among the highlights of the 35th edition of theInternational Film Festival Rotterdam.
The focus on London-based Dwoskin coincides with the launch of a 14-film DVD boxset of his work, while Shunichi is hoping his latestwork Heart, Beating In The Dark - a remake of his 1982classic - will raise his profile outside
The festival (January 25-February5) will also introduce a restyled short film section and feature a sectioncalled White Light, tracing the releationship betweencinema and drugs.
Kick starting the new filmindustry year, the festival's co-production outfit CineMartwill introduce its 45 strong projects selection to some 900 film professionalsfrom January 29 till
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