Buena Vista passed $1bn inannual domestic ticket sales on Nov 24, the ninth time it has reached themilestone in 11 years.
Despite a shaky year thathas seen protracted talks with Pixar and Miramax and notable flops like TheAlamo, The Ladykillers, KingArthur and Around The World In 80Days, the studio has rallied well inthe past few months.
National Treasure held on to top spot at the weekend with TheIncredibles in second place, markingthe first time two pictures from the same studio have reigned supreme over theThanksgiving holiday weekend.
National Treasure added $32.2m for $87.3m in its second weekend and TheIncredibles - the penultimate Pixarrelease under the current distribution contract with Disney - grossed $23.6mfor $214.3m in its fourth weekend.
This meant that Buena Vistareleases held the number one slot throughout November.
"We're thrilled with BuenaVista's latest box office successes both here and abroad," Walt Disney Studioschairman Dick Cook said. "The fact that two terrific Disney films are reachingsuch a large and diverse audience speaks to the unparalleled appeal of theDisney name.
"It is especially rewardingto see these films playing to family audiences during the day, and a wholedifferent age range of adult moviegoers during the prime evening showtimes."
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