The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) hascalled for all films wanting to be the UK's submission for the Foreign LanguageFilm Award at the 78th American Academy Awards to submit VHS/DVDsfor viewing by August 26.
BAFTA is the appointed organisation by theAmerican Academy to select the UK's submission for consideration for theForeign Language Film Award.
Eligible films must have been released in the UK for atleast seven consecutive days to a public paying audience between October 1st2004 and September 30th 2005.
The dialogue of the film need not be one that is indigenousto the UK. However the film should be set in the UK. Accurate English subtitles are required.
There should be a significant UK contribution to theproduction and UK creative talent must have had artistic control of thefilm.
The VHS/DVDs will be viewed by the British Academy FilmCommittee. Applicants will be notified by September 23rd. All paperwork for the successful film willbe sent to the American Academy by October 3rd and the film's printwill then need to be sent by October 14th 2005.
The film will then be screened to the American Academy'sForeign Language Film Award Committee, who will vote by secret ballot tonominate five foreign language films for this award.
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