Women in Film and Television (WFTV), Equity and the BritishAcademy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) are holding a joint event, entitledMirror Mirror - From Snow White to Wicked Queen, to discuss theportrayal of older women on screen.
The event kicks off with the UK's first public screening ofRosanna Arquette's feature length documentary Searching for Debra Wingerand is followed by a panel discussion which will also be open to the audience.
Senior industry figures such as director David Yates (HarryPotter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Girl in the Cafe), actressRula Lenska (Rock Follies, Gypo) and writer Lizzie Mickery (EveryTime You Look at Me, Messiah III, Dirty War) have already signed up toparticipate. The evening will be hosted by broadcaster and journalist KayeAdams.
Topics to be covered include the issues surrounding theportrayal of older women on screen, the success of films like Calendar Girlsand The Mother, and the opportunities for increasing the number andrange of roles for older actresses.
Mirror Mirror' takes place on Thursday, 29 September atBafta's HQ.
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