The BangkokInternational Film Festival has changed its dates to Jan 26 - Feb 5 after thisyear's new post-Berlin slot proved unsuccessful.

According toJuthamas Siriwan, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) whichfunds the festival, next year's event will be jointly managed by US consultingfirm Film Festival Management (FFM) and a local team.

The festival hasalso brought on board former Bafta LA chief Gary Dartnell as a consultant.Jennifer Stark is heading the international programming team.

Attendance atthis year's event was down as local audiences shied away from the festival, dueto the lack of Thai subtitles, and the accompanying Bangkok Film Marketsuffered from being held immediately after the European Film Market in Berlin.

Former executivedirector Craig Prater, who worked for FFM, stepped down from the festival lastmonth. The organisers are now looking for a new director who will be a Thainational.

The TAT governoralso said that the market is likely to move back into a hotel as this year'svenue, the Siam Paragon shopping and entertainment complex, was deemed far toobig.

The festival willfeature an International Competition, a South-East Asian spotlight and anawards gala in addition to the Bangkok Film Market. Exact dates of the BFM haveyet to be determined.