The 22nd annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival (SBIFF)will take place in 2007 from Jan 25 to Feb 4.
Festival organisers have also announced new officers for the SBIFFboard of directors, headed up by president Jeff Barbakow, the former chairmanand chief executive officer of MGM/UA, who takes over from Arnold Kassoy.
The officers of the SBIFF board of directors include Kyle Brace,vice president/fundraising; Paul Hall, vice president/board and staffrelations; William Rosen, treasurer; and James R Bechtel, assistanttreasurer/secretary/development committee chair.
Judy Egenolf serve as nominating chair, Arnold Kassoy, is theimmediate past president/chair, and Jelinda DeVorzon is honorarychair/consultant to president.
Officers serve a three-year term and support the festival'sexecutive director Roger Durling in determining the direction of the annualevent.
Longtime SBIFF publicist Carol Marshall has been named director ofpublicity for the festival following a 14-year association with the event.
For more information visit the official website at
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