Valery Ogorodnikov's Barrack is heading the field in the race for the Russian equivalent of the Oscars, the Nikas, which will be awarded by the Russian Academy of Motion Picture Arts in Moscow on April 22.
Barrack was nominated in 10 categories, including best feature, best director and best screenplay for Ogorodnikov and Victor Petrov.
Valery Priyemykhov who wrote, directed and starred in Who If Not Us' received nominations for best screenplay, best director and best actor.
Nominations in the major categories are:
Best Picture
Barrack (Valery Ogorodnikov, director)
The Voroshilov Shooter (Stanislav Govorukhin, director)
Khrustalyev, The Car (Alexey German, director)
Best Documentary Film
Lacrimoza (Tatyana Skabard, director)
The Route (Sergei Dvortsevoy, director)
Private Chronicles Monologue (Vitaly Mansky, director)
Best Animated Film
The Tree With The Gold Apples (Natalya Dabizha, director)
Kolobok (Nikolai Bogayevsky, director)
Pharaoh (Sergei Ovcharov, director)
Best Director
Valery Ogorodnikov (Barrack)
Valery Priyemykhov (Who If Not Us')
Alexey German (Khrustalyev, The Car)
Best Screenplay
Alexey German, Svetlana Karmalita (Khrustalyev, The Car)
Victor Petrov, Valery Ogorodnikov (Barrack)
Valery Priyemykhov (Who If Not Us')
Best Actor
Valery Priyemykhov (Who If Not Us')
Evgeny Sidikhin (Barrack)
Mikhail Ulyanov (The Voroshilov Shooter)
Best Actress
Nina Ruslanova (Khrustalyev, The Car)
Elena Safonova (Woman's Property)
Nina Usatova (Barrack)
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