Simon Barsky,executive vice president and general counsel to the MPAA and its internationalcounterpart the MPA, is winding down his duties following 28 years of service.
Effective Aug 14 Brasky became special counsel to chairman and chief executiveofficer Dan Glickman and president and chief operating officer Bob Pisano, andwill become an independent consultant to the organisation at the end of theyear before pursuing other opportunities.
Senior vice president and deputy general counsel Greg Goeckner has been namedacting general counsel.
Barsky joined the MPAA in 1978 and became general counsel in 1997. Hespearheaded efforts that led to two successful Supreme Court rulings for thestudios in antitrust cases, including the Grokster judgment, and was heavilyinvolved with First Amendment litigation, among other campaigns.
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