It looks like Beckham will be playing in Japan and Korea. UK-based sales outfit The Works has sold Bend It Like Beckham to a host of markets including Japan (New Select) and Korea (Digital Nega).
Other markets sold included Germany (Highlight) and Hong Kong (Golden Scene). The soccer drama comedy went to Fox Searchlight for North and South America.
The Works closed deals on Ken Loach's Sweet Sixteen to territories including Japan (Cine Qua Non); Hong Kong (First Distribution); and Australia/New Zealand (Niche Pictures).
Other deals from The Works saw First Look taking Dr Sleep for North America and the untitled Michael Winterbottom 2002 project going to Greece's Rosebud. Winterbottom's 24 Hour Party People went to Spain's Vertigo, Japan's Gaga and Dendy for Australia/New Zealand. No Man's Land finally closed a German deal with Arsena
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