The Berlinale Talent Campus has launched a shortfilm competition - Shoot Goals! Shoot Movies! - for film-makers toillustrate their passion for the game of football as well as the fans and theculture it generates in their respective countries.
According to the guidelines of the competition,submissions in either dramatic, documentary or animated genres - or a mixtureof the three - will be accepted with running times of between 30 seconds andfive minutes.
The entrants must have certified professional experiencein the film industry, either from attending a film school or practicalexperience on several productions, and submit their films by September 15,2004, at the latest.
The winning filmmakers will then be invited tothe third Berlinale Talent Campus (February 12-17 2005) - with a portion oftravel and accommodation costs covered for those participants who are notGerman residents - and they will also be guests of the Talent Campus for a weekduring the FIFA World Cup in Germany in 2006. The organisers stress, though,that the invitation includes travel expenses and accommodation - but nottickets to the World Cup matches.
The winning shorts will be presented before,during and after the World Cup at various venues including next year'sBerlinale, the travelling Football Globe, Germany's Goethe Institutes, officialevents of the cultural programme for the 2006 World Cup and the officialprogrammes of participating host cities throughout Germany.
The competition is being organised by the TalentCampus on behalf of the Nationale DFB Kulturstiftung WM 2006 (National DFBCultural Foundation World Cup 2006) in cooperation with the Federal ForeignOffice and the Goethe Institute.
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