The American short filmcollection follows the earlier European and British DVDs, which included shortsfrom directors including Lars von Trier, Jean-Luc Godard, Mike Leigh, Ridley Scott and Jan Svankmajer. Cinema16 will release the American collectionin May.
'The premise of Cinema16 isthat without a healthy short film culture some of the more interestingdirectors, like David Lynch, Lynne Ramsay or Lars von Trier,might never make it through and as a result we would have a less diverseindustry,' said Luke Morris, Cinema16's founder who has worked on shortsincluding the Bafta-nominated Heavy Metal Drummer. 'Cinema16 is about celebrating the form andsolving the distribution problems that exist for shorts.'
The 16 films include: GusVan Sant's 1982 adaptation of a William S. Burroughsshort story, The Discipline of DE;Tim Burton's early stop motion animated classic Vincent; George Lucas'
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