The story centres on a father and son who seek to reunite despite being apart for more than 30 years across two solar systems. Greentrees is shepherding the project and plans a 2009 shoot.
'The Gaea Universe is a richly textured world of human relationships, futuristic space travel and exploration' Binder said. 'The story's strength lies in its endearing characters and wonderful settings.'
Australian executive producer David Lagettie and US/Australian writing duo Didi and Phil Gilson have been developing the project for three years and conceive the story as the first instalment in a trilogy.
A full-length novel of Gaea: Beyond The Son written by the Gilsons under their shared pseudonym PD Gilson got a low-key release late last year through small press Helios Publishing. A video game is expected by 2010 through Bohemia Interactive.
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