The new James Bond film, CasinoRoyale, is scheduled to shoot at the end of 2005. To date, one of the fewfacts confirmed about the film is that it is to be directed by Martin Campbell(GoldenEye)
With ongoing rumourscirculating throughout the media world, it can be difficult to keep tabs on thelatest information. Here, ScreenDaily.comalleviates some of the confusion by offering an up-to-date look at 007's statusin the press.
April 6The Sun newspaper says that Road to Perdition and Layer Cake star Daniel Craig had been asked to take over from Pierce Brosnan as the spy in three films.
April 5:
Reports of Pierce Brosnanreturning for the role are floating around the internet. Despite the actor previouslysaying he will not play 007 again, sites such as insistthat Sony bosses are eager for him to star in one more film. There is speculation that Brosnan and Bondproduction outfit Eon are simply involved in hard negotiations or a 'pokergame', similar to the one played out regularly between Cubby Broccoli and RogerMoore - who frequently announced he wouldn't return as Bond. Sony is said to be keen for Brosnan toreturn, as the company is not willing to take a chance with a new actor.
April 3:
The UK's Sunday Expressand the Sunday Star report that "inside sources" reveal that Eon andSony have reached an agreement for Clive Owen to be the next James Bond. The Express runs a picture of Owenwith the roulette wheel from Croupier while the Star shows Owenwearing a tuxedo and smoking.
The Italian media runssimilar stories suggesting Clive Owen as the next Bond.
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