Old Boy directorPark Chan-wook is to produce a film directed by Bong Joon-ho, whose latestmovie The Host recently became
The project, which Bong iscurrently developing, is based on the French sci-fi comic Le Transperceneige, created by Jean-Marc Rochette and Jacques Lob.
Park's production house,Moho Film, confirms that he is to work with Bong on the project and that rightshave been secured for the comic.
The story is set in a post-apocalypticworld in which Earth's last few survivors are consigned to a train, circling adesert of ice and snow, called the Transperceneige.
The lower classes suffer incold and hunger while the upper classes enjoy decadence and privilege, but thestatus quo is shaken when an act of sabotage takes the train off its regularcourse.
Both critically acclaimedand commercially successful directors, Park and Bong have so far opted to stayin their home country, enjoying the creative control given to directors oftheir calibre in
Park, in particular, hasbeen fielding multiple offers to direct in the
Bong's sci-fi mutant film The Host, which made a splashy debut atthe last
Bong has also beendeveloping a few other projects, and it is as yet unsure which will go intoproduction first. In the meantime, TheHost is currently doing the rounds of international film festivals, mostrecently
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