Film export agency Cinema Do Brasil is set to launch the first of two distribution grant schemes providing around $20,000 in p&a funds for the release of Brazilian films.
Chairman André Sturm said he expected the two cycles to support around 10 releases in total. The first tranche of applicants have until the end of May and the recipients will be announced in June.
The second round must apply before the end of November. To be eligible, applicants need to release their film in theatres on at least two prints and must either keep it in theatres for four weeks or roll it out to a minimum of five cities.
Sturm and his team at EFM are representing around 30 films, among them Panorama entry Besouro E Broder and Generation 14plus selection The Famous And The Dead (Os Famosos E Os Duendes Da Morte), directed by Esmir Filho, about a Bob Dylan fan in Brazil.
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