Dutch-HK-based sales agent FortissimoFilms has reported a string of sales on documentary The Bridge, which itpicked up at AFM. Directed by Eric Steel and following the stories of peoplewho decided to commit suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge in 2004,the film has already sold to Japan (Tornado), Village Roadshow (Australia andGreece), Brazil (Imagem) and Mexico (Film House), apart from Matalon in Israeland Portugal's Lusomundo.
Other Fortissimo titles which soldat the market include Zhang Yuan's Little Red Flowers, which was takenby AMG in Japan, Village Roadshow Greece, Israel's Matalon, Brazil's GoldenFilmes and Lusomundo in Portugal.
Fortissimo also reported furthersales on The Night Listener (Forum Israel, CMC Taiwan, PMEG Thailand,Hollywood Classics Czech, ANS Turkey), Twelve And Holding (ANS Turkey,Solar Philippines, Gateño Peru) and Snow Cake (Twister CIS, Film HouseMexico, ANS Turkey, Hollywood Classics Czech, Tuck Serbia, New Films Romania,Solar Philippines).
Meanwhile, Ster Kinekor picked up Candyfor South Africa.
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