TheThessaloniki Documentary Festival-Images of the 21stCentury and its concurrent Doc FilmMarket wrapped over the weekend.
VictorKossakovsky's Svyato (Russia), Dani Menkin's 39 Pounds ofLove (USA), the Kimon Tsakiris'Greek production Sugar Town-TheBridegrooms as well as Angelos Kovotsos' Kleon Krantonellis and Yorgos Papakonstantinou's Takis Zenetos (from thePortraits of Greek Architectsseries) received the Audience Awards, sponsored by the ThessalonikiPublic TV Channel ET3 and backed by $10,964 (Euros 9,000) in cash. The Fipresci awards went to James Longley's Irak in Fragments (
TheFestival, now in its eighth year, reflected current global trends amongdocumentary filmmakers to focus on political and social issues and these werethe documentaries that earned the most recognition as well as enjoying an increasein theatrical distribution all around the world.
Amongthis year's innovations was the highly successful "Just talking" sidebarbringing together foreign and local filmmakers to discuss initiatives both infilmmaking, world promotion and distribution.
Therecord number of Greek production -85 films- necessitated the creation ofadditional Greek sidebars addressed to foreign and local guests. The festivalscreened 185 films in all its sections as compared to last year's126. Festivalattendance rose to 33,000 up from last year's 18,000.
TheFilm Market reported brisk business and was well received by internationalbuyers and distributors alike. Giorgos Avgeropoulos' Greek production Saudi Arabia was acquired by the BelgianPublic Channel RTBF's Wilbur Leguebeand Guy Knafo's French outfit 10 Francs. Knafo also bought the Greek/French/German (ERT, ZDF-Arte)co-production Zaharoff, the Mystery Man of Europe, directed by AngelosAbazoglou. Valerie's KontakosWho's on First, a Greek /
ERT,the Greek Public Radio and TV network acquired the Canadian production A Cry for Madion,a study on the ongoing famine-related genocide in
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