Documentary film-makers are being invited to submit feature docs which explore the importance of nature in our society; the chosen project will receive production funding.
The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation has teamed up with the National Trust to produce a feature documentary film highlighting the importance of nature in contemporary society.
Documentary film-makers are being invited to submit either a new idea for a feature doc, or a film which is already in the process of being made, which explores the impact of nature on the well being of children and adults in a “fresh compelling way that can be used to trigger a national conversation.”
The feature documentary could be tackled with a science based approach like in The End Of The Line, an on screen experiment like Erasing David or a narrative like Man On Wire.
Three ideas/films will be shortlisted, with each team being paid £1000 to further develop ideas. One project will then go into production in partnership with BRITDOC.
The scheme is also being supported by the NHS Sustainable Development Unit and dairy company Arla.
“It feels like there is a lot of sciene that isn’t getting through to people. So I thought, what if we could try a different way,” said the National Trust’s Jon Alexander, who was inspired by the role of Waitrose in End Of The Line and the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust which was the impetus behind Erasing David which deals with the erosion of civil liberties.
“This is a good example of us looking outside the traditional sources of funding and turning to NGOs and brands and foundations who haven’t necessarily funded docs before. It’s a new way of thinking about docs,” added Jess Search who heads up the BRITDOC Foundation.
For more info, click here
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