The British Film Institute(bfi) has asked CCS, the consultancy service of the Charted Institute ofLibrary and Information Professionals (CILIP), to carry out a review with theaim of increasing access to its archive of film and television materials.
The first stage of thereview will identify options for future development including the possibilityof partnerships with other institutions.This will be completed by mid-September.
The second stage willlook more closely at the feasibility of selected options and will develop aspecification for any potential partners.
Heather Stewart, bfiDirector of Cultural Planning, said:"CSS will bring to the review process an experienced team of consultantswith expertise in the media as well as management of library, information andarchive services."
Members of the team includeMurray Weston, Director of the British Universities Film and Video Council, Dr.Clive Field, Director of Scholarship and Collections of the British Library,and Professor John Ellis, Head of Media Arts at Royal Holloway.
Amanda Neville, Director of bfi,said: "We have ambitious plans for thefuture of the bfi National Library.We greatly value the advice of our peers and believe that the steeringgroup will provide an ideal forum for the effective development of our plans tocreate a world-leading centre for learning and research on film, television andthe moving image."
The British Film Institutewas established in 1933 and seeks to encourage appreciation and access to filmand television culture. It runs theNational Film Theatre and the London Film Festival.
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